Genshin Impact: Morse Code Translations of Thelxie Fantastic Adventures

The narrative of Thelxie Fantastic Adventures, Genshin Impact 4.2’s current flagship event, contains many morse codes. 

When the main character encounters Freminet and Thelxie at their camp, it is first made clear as the latter speaks twice in code. It is important to note that they are illogical even after you have figured out the code for the first time.

Later, it becomes clear that Freminet deciphers Thelxie’s sentences using the Caesar cipher—later in the event story’s animated cinematic, a couple more Morse codes surface. 

All codes will be covered in this Genshin Impact article, along with their genuine meanings decoded.

What is Thelxie Fantastic Adventures in Genshin Impact?

thelxie fantastic adventures

Thelxie Fantastic Adventures in Genshin Impact is an exciting questline that takes players on a thrilling journey through the fantastical world of Genshin Impact. 

In this adventure, players accompany the lively character Thelxie as they embark on a series of quests and challenges. 

Throughout the game, players will encounter various enemies, solve puzzles, and uncover the secrets of the Genshin Impact universe. 

With its stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and captivating storyline, Thelxie Fantastic Adventures offers players an unforgettable gaming experience.

All Morse Codes in Thelxie Fantastic Adventures and Their Translations

You must first decode the code sequence to put each Morse code into words and comprehend its meaning. It is eventually discovered that the deciphered words are the Caeser cipher with the offset set to 1, as was previously specified.

This means that to obtain plain texts in French, you must reverse shift the deciphered codes by one letter. Lastly, translate the words into English using a Morse code translator.

The meaning of each morse code is listed below:

1) The first of the two Morse codes by Thelxie Fantastic Adventures in Genshin Impact is:

thelxie fantastic adventures
  • Morse code: -.. -… .– -…
  • Decoded Morse code: DBWB
  • Decoded Caesar cipher: CAVA (or ÇA VA in French)
  • Translation: How are you?

The first message from Thelxie, the clockwork penguin, is a simple greeting.

2) The second code from Thelxie Fantastic Adventures is:

thelxie fantastic adventures
  • Morse code: -.. .–. -. –.- -… …. — .— ..-.
  • Decoded Morse code: DPNQBHOJF
  • Decoded Caesar cipher: COMPAGNIE
  • Translation: Company

This time, Thelxie says Compagnie, a company in English, in response to Freminet’s comment about the former being created to be someone’s companion.

3) All three remaining codes are revealed only in a small cutscene after completing Part I of Thelxie Fantastic Adventures event story in Genshin Impact. 

Here’s the third code and its translation:

  • Morse code: – ..-. …- —
  • Decoded Morse code: TFVM
  • Decoded Caesar cipher: SEUL
  • Translation: Alone

4) Here’s what the fourth Morse code means:

  • Morse code: … ..-. .– ..-. …
  • Decoded Morse code: SFWFS
  • Decoded Caesar cipher: REVER (or RÊVER)
  • Translation: Dream

5) Here is what the final code from the animated cutscene means:

  • Morse code: -. .— … -… -.. — ..-.
  • Decoded Morse code: NJSBDMF
  • Decoded Caesar cipher: MIRACLE
  • Translation: Miracle

Final Note

As we conclude our journey into the intricate world of “Thelxie Fantastic Adventures” within Genshin Impact, the unravelling of Morse code messages adds a layer of mystery and depth to an already captivating storyline. 

The meticulous translations give players a unique perspective on Thelxie’s adventures, offering insights that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. 

In the ever-expanding universe of Genshin Impact, such hidden details contribute to the immersive experience that captivates players worldwide. 

As you continue to explore the fantastical landscapes and uncover the secrets scattered throughout Teyvat, keep an ear tuned to the subtle signals of Morse code, for they might lead you to new revelations and untold tales within this enchanting realm. 

Happy Adventuring!

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